
Pmp classes
Pmp classes

pmp classes

Get access to 8 full-length PMP simulation exams which you can take at your convenience. We’ve got you covered too! Make yourself exam-ready with the PMP exam environment exactly replicated in simulators. The best way to pass the PMP exam is to understand what it’s really like. GET EXAM-READY with Full-Length PMP Exam Simulations. So, whenever you feel the need to test your PMP proficiency, access mock exams with just a few clicks! To help you do exactly that, we’ve put together a set of 8 mock test papers with unlimited access. This is where another winning feature of our PMP training comes into play. Explore the complete Question Bank and boost your confidence!ĪSSESS Yourself with Unlimited Attempts to Mock Exams.Īn important factor in your journey towards clearing your PMP exam is assessing your progress regularly to understand where you are in terms of your preparation.

#Pmp classes professional#

We understand that the Project Management Professional (PMP) is tricky, which is why we’ve put together a premium question bank having over 2800+ questions. Practice, practice, practice! PMP certification holders and project management experts around the world will agree that this is the best way to increase your chances of clearing the PMP exam. PRACTICE with a Premium Question Bank of Over 2800+ Questions. Ensure you’re right on track to get PMP certified and apply for your PMP exam only once your mentor is confident about your ability to attend and ace the exam. Follow the daily study plans and attend weekly sessions with an industry mentor to get all your doubts clarified. Get access to a mentor-led study plan curated by our Program Director Kevin Davis. STUDY with our Expert-Curated and Mentor-Led Study Plan. That’s not all – apart from top-notch PMP classroom training, you will also have access to a self-paced course taught by PMP expert, Stevan Beslac.

pmp classes

You will not only get the latest learning material, but your instructors will always be at hand to clear whatever doubts you may have. Our PMP course brings you best-in-class live training, led by industry experts with decades of experience in project management. LEARN through Instructor-Led or Self-Paced Learning.

pmp classes

Just follow the steps below and be assured of guaranteed success in your PMP exam: KnowledgeHut is a Premier Authorized Training Partner (ATP) of PMI®.

pmp classes

Our PMP course is fully aligned with the newest version of the PMP exam’s objectives and the 7th Edition of the PMBOK® Guide. In all, you’re in for the most efficient and the most effective, PMP exam prep journey with a training package that ensures assured success. You’ll get to revise the PMBOK, get hands-on practice with a solid question bank of more than 2800 questions, and assess yourself with simulation exams and mock tests, with access to valuable mentor guidance through every step. Need a refresher course to brush up on PMP exam concepts? Rejoin any of our live workshops with our Exclusive 180-Day Grand Pass, which means you can continue to attend any of our live PMP training sessions as many times as you want. We’re with you every step of the way, with regular doubt-clearing sessions throughout your preparation and once you’re fully ready to apply, you’ll receive complete support from our experts to ensure your PMP application goes through just fine. No more wasting time searching for what you should plan for-successful execution depends on impeccable planning, after all. That’s not all! You will get access to a meticulously crafted, practical, and mentor-led study plan, put together by Kevin himself. Our PMP program is led by Program Director, Kevin Davis, who brings on board over two decades of rich project management experience across industries in addition to top-notch training experience, having trained thousands of students across domains including professionals in the US military. Not only will you get the best of live PMP training by industry experts with over a decade’s project management experience across industries all over the globe, but you will also enjoy a complimentary Self-Paced PMP Certification Course by PMP Expert, Stevan Beslac who has led Project Management in some of the largest global enterprises such as Oracle and SAP. Well, you’ve come to just the right place! Get all of this and more in the most comprehensive mentor-guided Project Management Professional (PMP)® Certification Course.

Pmp classes